Foot-Launch Paramotor Training In La Grande, Oregon

June 28 - July 8, 2025 (Spots Available)

July 5 - 15, 2025 (Spots Available)

Yet again we are teaming up with our good friends at WindPirate PPG, instructor Jon Martin (USPPA & ASC foot, wheel, and tandem certified instructor), to offer our standard 8-10 day training course, but better! 2-3 instructors, small class size, equipment to train with, camping nearby, fantastic, huge training grounds! You won’t want to miss out!

Paramotor training with Oregon Paramotor and WindPirate PPG will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do.

We take great pride in our extensive training program, and you will leave La Grande, OR with all the skills necessary to launch, maneuver and land at your home flying site without assistance or worry. From day one we focus on safety, along with fully grasping the rules, complexities, and regulations surrounding our sport.

Tandem Flights

Get to know the air, feel the controls, get those first flight jitters out of the way with a tandem flight on day 1 or 2. (Weather and site conditions dependent)

Winch Towing

Used in combination with tandem flights, towing can get you used to glider controls, launching and landing, all while under the guidance of trained instructors. (Weather and site conditions dependent)

Camping Available

Although camping on-site is not permitted, there is a terrific campground 2 miles down the road. We are working to arrange all PPG campers to be put in the same area, so we can have some BBQ’s and relax in the evenings, sharing great conversation.

The best equipment

Oregon Paramotor and WindPirate PPG has one of the largest powered paraglider instructional equipment inventories in the western US. Demo equipment, inventory on hand for purchase, we have it all.

June 28 - July 8, 2025 (Spots Available)

July 5 - 15, 2025 (Spots Available)

We are currently booking students for our 2025 courses! Contact us today to reserve your spot and submit a deposit payment by clicking the link below.

About the Courses

$2,750.00 - TRAINING FEE

$600 - Equipment rental fee

The foot launch course is a 8-10 days process. This can include rental / use of all the gear and equipment you will need, ground handling or ‘kiting’ lessons, ‘classroom’ lectures, first year of USPPA fees & USPPA PPG1 & PPG2 tests, online and written materials, and as many flights as we can fit in during your stay. Usually around 15-30 flights.

If you’ve got your own paramotor and glider (instructor approved, please talk with us before buying anything!), you can skip the equipment rental fee, as well as know you won’t be waiting on equipment or sharing with other students. (More details below.)

With 2-4 instructors at all times, we aim to keep it around 2 students for every instructor. This means you will have lots of one-on-one time with instructors and they will be at your side every step of the way.

Typically, by day 3 or 4, depending on weather and student progression, you’ll be ready for your first solo flight! After first flights, instructors will continue to hone your launch & landing skills, while progressively giving you less and less input. Before you know it you’re flying on your own with little to no assistance. This usually happens around flights 10-20.

Once launches and landings are more comfortable, and students are performing them independently, our instructors introduce more airborne concepts like steeper turns, spot landings, motor-out simulations, cross-country considerations… and the students and instructors go out and fly the area together. It’s a blast. Trust us.

Our students go home with not only the skills necessary to fly powered paragliders, but the knowledge to keep themselves and others safe and the wisdom to make sound decisions as Pilot In Command of an aircraft.

($700 deposit due at the time of signup to secure course date)

Tandem Intro Flights

We will be offering instructional introductory tandem flights on day one or two. These flights get you used to launching and landing, the feel of the air rushing across your face, and give you the chance to feel how the brake toggles impact the paraglider overhead.

Also, they give you a chance to brace yourself for a permanent smile after you take your first solo flights 😁

Train on our gear

Included in the costs of training is access to our wide variety of industry leading equipment, tools, training facilities, helmets, etc, available for students to use. Additionally, you can rent paramotors and paragliders (more details below).

We’ve found that using the lightest paramotors and quality Flow, Ozone & ITV wings for students reduces damaged equipment… and egos.

  • Parajet, Limitless, HSCom paramotors for student flights

  • Both Vittorazi Moster 185 and Atom 80 motor sizes to suit various body types & student weights

  • New Flow, BGD, Ozone, MacPara and ITV wings of various sizes to accommodate various skill levels and body sizes

  • Full classroom with air conditioning, seating, television & whiteboards

  • Comms Helmets, radios & cables

  • Hang-test station

  • Full-throttle outdoor paramotor hang-simulator for simulating & visualizing first flights

Gear rental

Although we strongly recommend students purchase and use their own equipment for their training courses, we strive to have the best rental rental equipment available if you need.

Our gear rental gives you access to our wide variety of industry leading powered paraglider equipment that is available for students to use. We’ve found that using the lightest paramotors and quality Flow, ITV & Ozone wings for students reduces damaged equipment… and damaged egos.

  • Parajet Maverick - Moster 185+ units

  • Flow Future (beginner gliders)

  • Flow Cosmos Power (intermediate gliders)

  • MacPara Beginner and Intermediate gliders

  • ITV Beginner & Intermediate gliders

Glider Handling Skills

Before you can run ‘into the air’, you’ll first learn how to control the glider on the ground. Our instructors artfully teach you this fundamental piece of learning to fly powered paragliders

First flights

Solo day is the day your life changes. You ‘run into the air’, your feet leave the ground, the wind and open vistas astound you, and the instructors guide you back to the ground without incident.

For us as instructors, this is the most rewarding part of training

Classroom Courses Covered

Our paramotor training includes many hours of in-depth classroom based material to teach you the ins and outs of powered paragliding flight. We pride ourselves in having developed an industry leading syllabus.

  • Glider Design

  • Aerodynamics

  • Weather

  • Motor Maintenance

  • Pre and Post-Flight Procedures & Checklists

  • Airspace

  • Airport Etiquette

  • Reserves

  • FAR 103 Federal Airspace Regulations

  • Safety

continued support

Whether it’s a phone call to discuss your weather back home, planning out a new LZ, or you want to come back for some day-long refresher training, our students are always welcome back. Free of charge.

(NOTE: This does not include an additional ‘full’ week-long training.)

The beautiful paramotor training field.

USPPA Certified

Our foot launch course not only meets, but exceeds the USPPA PPG1 & PPG2 training recommendations. (ratings details here)


  • Age: 18-49 years of age (higher is negotiable, contact us for details)

  • Foot launch weight: 110lbs up to 225lbs (higher is negotiable, contact us for details)

  • Trike tandem launch weight: 110lbs up to 250lbs

  • Fitness: Can you run 100 yards and survive?

  • Must be able to carry 60lbs on your back while walking briskly for a long distance (foot launch)

  • Have a receptive learning attitude

  • Ready to have the time of your life

Training Facilities

  • Two+ huge, flat, training locations! We primarily train at the main location, but have alternatives as needed (weather, rain, etc)

  • Winch towing available

  • Suitable for foot launch and trike launch

  • Full-throttle hang test / simulator station

Lodging & Local


While camping is not permitted on-site, there is a great campground just down the road 3 miles. Reasonable rates, great views, showers, hot springs and tubs to soak in, you couldn’t ask for more.

We arrange all of the paramotor students that camp with the RV park to be located near each other. We can cook some BBQ and talk paramotor after a long day of training.


Check out our lodging page for other recommended options.


We’re passionate about providing complete attention to students at all times. With that in mind we keep course sizes as small as possible.

We require a $700 USD deposit upon booking. This it to ensure we can make all necessary arrangements and have equipment sized specifically for you.

Once you’ve selected a date for training with Oregon Paramotor, you’ll receive a confirmation email with an invoice & link for payment.


We will refund 100% of your deposit for cancellations received 8 weeks in advance of your course start date. A 50% refund of your deposit will be given for cancellations received less than 8 weeks in advance of your course start date. Cancellations received within 15 days of your class will not be refunded.

Weather related refunds are not available. There is a very very good chance that we will have great weather, a very good chance that we will have decent weather, and a slim chance that we will have many of the training days blown out and unable to fly. During these poor weather days, we focus on ground handling, classroom work, testing, simulator work, etc. Refunds for unpredictable weather are not available. Students that have poor weather are always more than welcome to return at a later date and continue or finish their training.

Course fee is non-refundable after the start of class.


Payment in full is the first day of class. Cash is always welcome 😁 We can arrange payment via credit card or other means, but you will be responsible for covering any processing fees (ex: 3% credit card fees).

Ready to fly?

Take the first steps towards your dream of flight. Have questions? We’d love to talk! We will get back with you right away to schedule a training date or assist you in any way.